My name is Marc Mason and I'm the author of Apparitions Paranormal Ghost Hunting 101 the book. I'm also the co-founder of Apparitions Paranormal Investigations in Boise, Idaho and of Apparitions Paranormal TV Show in the United States.
In my line of work things are very different because I deal with the unknown and unseen. Some people call it paranormal investigations I call it phenomenology also know as the psychology of the Paranormal or parapsychology.
The men and women that operate in this field of work have one major disadvantage we are classified as a pseudoscience and are not taken seriously by the mainstream scientific community. However there's definitely an Unseen, unknown world around us.
Electronic voice phenomenon or EVPs are the phenomenon of disembodied spirits whose voices are recorded on electronic recording or tapes.
This phenomenon can also be heard without the use of electronic voice assistance by use of your natural healing abilities. A perfect example of this would be you're sitting at home alone and you think you heard someone call your name. Does this sound familiar? It's estimated that this occurrence happens 97% of the population sometime in their lifetime. Some studies suggest that it's a hundred percent of the world's population some time with in their lifetime.
The fact is we know that their voices can be picked up on electronic voice equipment and we also know that they can speak to the living without the use of this equipment as documented in multiple documents around the world and experienced by multiple people around the world.
My theory about schizophrenia in the Paranormal I've coined the name in parapsychology as "Paramasophrenia" which is what you would normally call schizophrenia but the distinction is this. I believe schizophrenia and Paramasophrenia are two entirely separate diagnosis but yet are one in the same.
Similarities between the two:
1. Hear voices
2. Brings about the feeling of paranoia
3. Makes you feel as if you're being watched or touched
Differences between the two:
1. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder where you Hear Voices or get the sensations of being watched or touched caused by a chemical imbalance and other factors within the human body and it's treatable and manageable why is psycho trophic medications and other therapies.
2. Paramasophrenia is the condition of being in an ultra-sensitive environment such as being naturally wired as a medium or psychic.
The voices are real disembodied Spirits speaking to "patient"
The feelings associated with being touched or watched are real and not a mental disorder or mental state of mind due to a chemical imbalance or other influences.
The feelings of being paranoid are completely natural.
Paramasophrenia is non treatable and cannot be prevented or managed by modern psychotropic medications or Therapies. It is believed that the best course of action is to understand parapsychology to understand what is happening and why it is happening and the best approach to deal with such issues and live a normal productive life.
I strongly believe that there's a major influence from an otherworldly entities. In every religion around the world there is one thing that remains constant and the same that spirits do exist and that there is a good and evil spiritual Realm.
Folklore and legends and fairytales from all over the world talk about such spiritual issues from the very beginning of a man when he first begin to tell stories.
We know that these stories are true through use of modern day paranormal investigations and the equipment used in capturing the evidence.
Let me ask you a question if you are not a believer and you have children does your child have an imaginary friend? If the answer is yes is that friend imaginary to your child or very real to your child?
What makes your child's imaginary friend any different than somebody suffering schizophrenia? Does your child have schizophrenia? Or because of the age he or she is and their natural abilities to perceive things and understand things that sometimes it's difficult for adults could that mean your child is suffering from Paramasophrenia?
There are still very many unanswered questions in parapsychology and in the Paranormal.
If you do research on spirits angels demons aliens or the Gene you will find that they have interacted with man from the very beginning they have both helped man and have also destroyed man. The ultimate question is is schizophrenia the voices and interaction of disembodied spirits and if so what do they want? Or schizophrenia a false positive to the almost like a drug test has a false positive or a pregnancy test has a false positive could schizophrenia be that false positive of mediums and psychics and that they're real people who hold these abilities have Paramasophrenia?
In either case the answers which we seek to have from questions are very slim.
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